Our guarantee
At Staycations-Ireland we give a 100% Premium Service Guarantee. The Satisfaction of our customers is our number one Priority therefor we are also there for you in an emergency.
We answer every request within 24-hours
If you send us a request vie email, through our website or via social media, we guarantee you to answer your request within 24-hours (excluding weekends)
Our 24-hour availability guarantee
We guarantee with our 24-hour emergency telephone number round-the-clock availability in case of emergency during your staycation or a recall guarantee within 30 minutes
€ 150 as a gift – if you cannot reach us in an emergency during your holiday
What is the 24-hour availability guarantee?
For all trips lasting, we give you a 24-hour availability guarantee
This means: If you have a breakdown or an accident on holiday and can’t reach us or we don’t call you back within 30 minutes – then we’ll give you € 150!
What are the conditions?
- The 24 hour availability guarantee applies to all trips longer than 4 days
- The 24-hour availability guarantee does not apply to services not booked through us
- If you do not make use of a service, the guarantee does not apply, e.g. you are not satisfied with an accommodation and cancel it without consulting us
Process description:
How is the 24-hour availability guarantee handled? What do you have to do if you have not reached us in an emergency?
- You make a screenshot of the call made on your mobile phone (date and time must be visible) and send us an e-mail including the screenshot and the description of the emergency to info@staycations-ireland.com. Until your day of departure you have time to make your claim.
- We will check your details immediately and give you an appropriate answer within 24 hours (weekdays). If your e-mail reaches us at the weekend, the processing time will take longer.
- The € 150 will be refunded to your bank account within 14 days after your return.